ICSEM (International Center for Studies on Educational Methodologies) under the patronage of the Feuerstein Institute of Jerusalem, is a global community collaborating for enhanced Feuerstein’s theories and methods in education.
ICSEM’s purpose is to have an impact on the quality of education by providing an international forum for researchers and practitioners.

Our community comes together to:
– share ideas
– conduct and promote research
– propose policies and practices based on new knowledge
– innovate as world-class leaders in enhancing the quality and equity of education for all people around the world.

The Mediated Learning Experience (MLE) is a thery that has been applied successfully in many countries (and translated into 16 languages) as a method for increasing the learning potential of disadvantaged individuals or individuals from high-risk backgrounds. Thanks to its adaptability and ease of use, the Feuerstein method is currently used in over forty countries around the world and in a wide variety of contexts. Not only has it stood the test of time, but it has proven to be useful both in the classroom and in the clinical setting, with the elderly and as part of professional training.
There are children and young people and adults and the elderly who show learning difficulties: able-bodied with academic achievement problems, foreigners with integration needs, individuals with cognitive deficits, hyperactive children, individuals who need to acquire good work habits. All are bearers of the right to inclusive education and towards them the school has a duty to activate learning personalization paths.
It is towards these students that the Feuerstein Method, which in fact creates the conditions for an inclusive school, can be effective in the first instance.
As a global community, ICSEM aims to advance education everywhere and to enable professionals in education to learn from and contribute to the global conversation about educational effectiveness and improvement through dialogue and the exchange of ideas. We believe that we can improve the world and make it more inclusive through education.
ICSEM has as aim to be a community that is internationally inclusive for all its members. ICSEM further endeavours to ensure that every member and participant has an equal, unhindered opportunity to fully participate and engage with ICSEI Congresses and other activities, regardless of cultural, religious, racial/ethnic, and socio-economic backgrounds, sexual orientation, or gender, in a safe space of intellectual openness, respect, and the free exchange of evidence and ideas. ICSEM embraces diversity and recognises it as a source of strength and value for all.